April Social Club

April Social Club

Come one, come all! Get to know your neighbors and chat in a low pressure, no agenda, fun environment.

The location of this meeting will be at the Table Public House!

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May Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

May Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

We will have three cleanup locations this year, please see the map on the events page.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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May Combined Social & Meeting

May Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our May meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

Agenda to be announced soon.


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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June Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

June Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

We will have three cleanup locations this year, please see the map on the events page.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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June Social Club

June Social Club

Come one, come all! Get to know your neighbors and chat in a low pressure, no agenda, fun environment.

The location of this meeting will be at the Table Public House!

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July Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

July Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

We will have three cleanup locations this year, please see the map on the events page.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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July Combined Social & Meeting

July Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our July meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

Agenda to be announced later.


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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August Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

August Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

We will have three cleanup locations this year, please see the map on the events page.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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August Social Club

August Social Club

Come one, come all! Get to know your neighbors and chat in a low pressure, no agenda, fun environment.

The location of this meeting will be at the Table Public House!

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September Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

September Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

We will have three cleanup locations this year, please see the map on the events page.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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September Combined Social & Meeting

September Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our September meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

Agenda to be announced later.


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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October Social Club

October Social Club

Come one, come all! Get to know your neighbors and chat in a low pressure, no agenda, fun environment.

The location of this meeting will be at the Table Public House!

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November Combined Social & Meeting

November Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our November meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

Agenda to be announced later.


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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March Combined Social & Meeting

March Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our March meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

We will be discussing upcoming events in the neighborhood, and will get some updates on projects currently underway.


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

6:35pm - City Council Updates

6:45pm - Upcoming events in the Neighborhood

7:10pm - INC Membership Vote

7:15pm - Gorman Project/Ruby Hill Vistas

7:20pm - Community Garden

7:25pm - Ruby Hill Railyard Update

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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February Social Club

February Social Club

Join your neighbors for the February social club at Table Public House Tuesday February 18th @ Table Public House. This is a great opportunity to hang out and get to know your neighbors in a low pressure setting. We hope to see you there!

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January Combined Social & Meeting

January Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our January meeting and social event that will be held at the Table Public House.

Talk Trees with The Park Park People: What's your vision for growing a more beautiful shade canopy in Ruby Hill? Let's take advantage of The Park People's free and low-cost tree program, Denver Digs Trees, to plant more trees in an area of our neighborhood that you know needs it most. The Park People will also have available irrigation solutions to help residents care for their baby trees over the hot summer. 

We will be holding our officer elections, so please show up to vote for leadership of the neighborhood organization. We will be voting for all officer positions, including president. Neighbors are encouraged to run for open positions! The positions are as follows:

  • President: The president is the principal executive officer, and manages all of the business affairs of Ruby Hill Neighbors (RHN).

  • Vice-President: The vice-president is the liaison with the RHN community, and is an aide to the president, and acting president when the president is absent.

  • Recording Secretary: This position keeps minutes of the proceedings of the membership and of the Board, and keeps all documents and records pertaining to the operation and activities of RHN.

  • Membership Secretary: The membership secretary receives all membership dues and keeps a current record of mailing addresses of each member, and maintains a current list of all voting members.

  • Treasurer: The Treasurer manages the funds and expenditures for RHN.  

Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm and should wrap up by 7:30pm.

Following the meeting, stick around for more social time with your neighbors.

We hope to see you there!

Can't Join in Person - Please join via ZOOM! This will be for the agenda based meeting, starting at 6:30 and concluding at 7:30 See the link below:


Meeting ID: 810 4477 5143
Passcode: 276661


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

6:45pm - Tree Talk (free and cheap trees)

7:00pm - Elections

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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November Combined Social & Meeting

November Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our November meeting and social event that will be held at Table Public House.

Our neighbor Lia Campbell will share a presentation on the Federal Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and the potential impacts on the Ruby Hill neighborhood. The current plan for the Federal BRT project includes widening Federal Blvd between Alameda and Evans by relocating and acquiring right-of-way to add an additional lane on the northbound side of the boulevard. Lia's presentation will discuss the potential impacts of that road widening; she is advocating for Ruby Hill Neighbors RNO to take an official position of opposition to the widening of Federal Boulevard.

Greggory Nelson and his team will also be sharing a request for re-zoning on their property at 1149 South Navajo Street.

Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm and should wrap up by 7:30pm.

Following the meeting, stick around for more social time with your neighbors and check out this gorgeous gathering space. The Table Public House has revamped their space and is even cooler than before!

We hope to see you there!


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

6:45pm - Federal Bus Rapid Transit and property re-zoning

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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October Social Club

October Social Club

Join your neighbors for February club at Table Public House Tuesday February 6th @ Table Public House. This is a great opportunity to hang out and get to know your neighbors in a low pressure setting. We hope to see you there!

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City wide trail clean up at Sanderson Gulch

City wide trail clean up at Sanderson Gulch

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

Meet at the intersection of Florida Ave and the Sanderson Gulch Trail next to the baseball field.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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September Combined Social & Meeting

September Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our September meeting and social event that will be held at Table Public House! Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting.

We hope to see you there!


Come share your thoughts on the long-term vision for how Ruby Hill and surrounding neighborhoods will evolve and address opportunities and challengers over the next 20 years! Denver City Planners are collaborating with the community to create a 20-year vision for Southwest Denver. We'll have the opportunity to discuss a wide range of topics like urban design, safer streets, parks and open space, health, affordability, economic development, and the natural environment! Come share your ideas for the future of Ruby Hill!

6:00pm - Mingle with your neighbors

6:30pm - Intros and updates

6:45pm - Southwest and Far Southwest Area Plans input session

7:30pm - Meeting adjourns/continue hanging with neighbors

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Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

Meet at the intersection of Florida Ave and the Sanderson Gulch Trail next to the baseball field.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

Meet at the intersection of Florida Ave and the Sanderson Gulch Trail next to the baseball field.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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July Combined Social & Meeting

July Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our July meeting and social event that will be held in the green room at Levitt Pavilion, located right here in the Ruby Hill Neighborhood! Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm and should wrap up by 7:30pm.

Following the meeting, stick around for more social time with your neighbors and check out this gorgeous gathering space. FYI this is a BYOB social this time- while we will have some donated drinks, please feels free to bring beverages of your choice.

We hope to see you there!


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

6:45pm - Presentation on the Federal Bus Rapid Transit project

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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May Combined Social & Meeting

May Combined Social & Meeting

Join your neighbors for our March meeting and social event will be held at Uncle Tim's Cocktails, located right here in the Ruby Hill Neighborhood! Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm and should wrap up by 7:30pm

Following the meeting, stick around for more social time with your neighbors and check out this gorgeous gathering space. FYI this is a BYOB social this time- while we will have some donated drinks, please feels free to bring beverages of your choice.

We hope to see you there!


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting Begins

7:30pm - More Mingle Time

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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Ruby Hill Block Party

Ruby Hill Block Party

Join us for the ultimate neighborhood celebration at the Ruby Hill Block Party on May 19th from 11am to 5pm! Get ready for a sun-soaked extravaganza as we shut down S Navajo St. between W Jewell Ave and W Evans Ave for a day packed with community vibes and summer delights.

Discover the heartbeat of your local scene as booths featuring small businesses, not-for-profits, and organizations line the streets. It's the perfect chance to meet your neighbors and dive into the rich tapestry of our vibrant community.

But wait, there's more! Dive into a whirlwind of entertainment with live music, performances, and activities for all ages. Explore the culinary wonders of Denver with mouthwatering delights from food trucks serving up a feast fit for a summer fiesta.

Feeling adventurous? Take up the challenge and try your hand at fencing – who knows, you might just discover a hidden talent!

Come meet yours neighbors and while creating unforgettable memories with your loved ones. The Ruby Hill Block Party is where summer dreams come to life, so mark your calendar and get ready to join the fun!

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3rd Annual Parks, Rivers, Trails & Trees Litter Cleanup

3rd Annual Parks, Rivers, Trails & Trees Litter Cleanup

Presented by the Denver Park Trust, Parks, Rivers, Trails & Trees is an annual, city-wide park stewardship day and community celebration, and a great volunteer opportunity for individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses who care about our parks and shared public outdoor spaces.

Ruby Hill Neighbors will be partnering with the Denver Park Trust to host a litter cleanup of the at Ruby Hill Park and the Sanderson Gulch. We will provide all of the gear for the clean up - please just bring your helping hands. This is a great opportunity to meet your neighbors and to tend our natural spaces.

More details to come. Please sign up to participate using this link

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April Social Club

April Social Club

Join your neighbors for February club at Table Public House Tuesday February 6th @ Table Public House. This is a great opportunity to hang out and get to know your neighbors in a low pressure setting. We hope to see you there!

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop

The Ruby Hill Neighbors RNO received grant funding to host a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshop for our leadership team and would love to invite other RNO leaders and community leaders to participate with us!

Click the link below to register for the free workshop:


The workshop style presentation will highlight:

Experiences designed to expand your view of the world around you. The workshop will integrate research, empathy skill building, and practical ideas in digestible and validating sessions. Through this session, we will develop tools to continue strengthening your connection to your team, your community, and yourself.

To create a truly transformative experience, the workshop will incorporate the following elements in the program and activity design. These elements are fueled by important values and allow for deep immersion and integration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion concepts and best practices.

Experiential: Our services focus on developing practical skills that increase one’s awareness of implicit bias, ability to communicate effectively, and develop positive social habits.

Empathy Building: Genuine, lasting change starts from within. Our services involve personal exploration and connecting to a range of emotions. We aim to unpack and reframe long held beliefs that create unsustainable work environments for marginalized people.

Realness: We embrace and encourage authenticity and vulnerability. Our services aim to reveal hard truths in ways that can be received, followed by the emotional support and action steps to best work towards your goals.

Intersectional: Our approach aims to be holistic of the social and personal needs that impact lasting cultural change in your workplace. We acknowledge the multiple layers of oppression that create unsustainable work environments for marginalized people.

Learn more about Syah B here

We are looking forward to broadening our horizons with you!

Ruby Hill Neighbors Registered Neighborhood Association

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February Social Club

February Social Club

Join your neighbors for February club at Table Public House Tuesday February 6th @ Table Public House. This is a great opportunity to hang out and get to know your neighbors in a low pressure setting. We hope to see you there!

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January Meeting & Social

January Meeting & Social

Join your neighbors for the January meeting and social event! We will be doing leadership elections at this meeting!

Interested in helping us build community and do fun things in the neighborhood? Whether you are interested in a formal officer role like Membership Director, Vice President, or Recording Secretary - or you are interested in a passion project, helping with socials, or helping with litter cleanups- we would love to have you join the team!

In addition to elections and an awesome time with our Social the neighborhood meeting will host two special guests to share how you can get free and affordable trees for your home!

  • The Park People will talk about the Denver Digs program! Applications are now open - you can apply for free and affordable trees for low canopy neighborhoods(that’s us).

  • The Denver Forestry will also be sharing opportunities to get free trees planted in the public right away via the Be A Smart Ash Program!

January’s meeting will be held at Uncle Tim's Cocktails, located right here in the Ruby Hill neighborhood! Arrive as early as 6:00pm to mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm and we will dive into neighborhood elections and brainstorm what we want to accomplish in 2024!

Following the meeting, stick around for a social hour with your neighbors and check out this gorgeous gathering space. FYI this is a BYOB social this time- while we will have some donated drinks, please feels free to bring beverages of your choice.

We hope to see you there!


6:00pm - Arrive and Mingle

6:30pm - Meeting begins

6:30-6:45 - Denver Diggs Program: Free and Affordable Trees Available. Applications open now!

6:45-7- Be A Smart Ash: Free Trees Available for Denver to Plant the Public Right Away in-front of your home

7-7:30 Elections

7:30pm - Social Hour

8:00pm - Wrap-up

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Ruby Hill Neighbors Holiday Potluck

Ruby Hill Neighbors Holiday Potluck

Join us on Tuesday, December 5th for our last event of 2023! Come eat, drink, and be merry with your neighbors and help us ring in the New Year. Bring a dish to share if you can, though not mandatory - we just hope to see you there! Both alcoholic and non alcoholic drink options are available to purchase at Uncle Tim’s.

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Ruby Hill Neighbors Meeting and Social

Ruby Hill Neighbors Meeting and Social

Join your neighbors for the November meeting and social event!

November’s meeting will be held at Uncle Tim's Cocktails, located right here in the Ruby Hill neighborhood! Arrive as early as 6:00pm, grab yourself a delicious cocktail or tasty mocktail, and mingle before the meeting. The neighborhood meeting will begin promptly at 6:30pm. We’ll be discussing plans for upcoming RNO leadership elections, celebrating all of our community accomplishments from the past year, and share upcoming events in the neighborhood. This will be a fully in person event, however we will be recording the meeting and posting it online. Following the meeting, stick around for a social hour with your neighbors and check out this gorgeous gathering space. We hope to see you there!

6:00pm - Arrive and mingle
6:30pm - Meeting begins
7:00pm - Social Hour

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Free Herbalism Workshop: Herbs that Boost the Immune System

Free Herbalism Workshop: Herbs that Boost the Immune System

Neighbor and certified herbalist, Sharona, is the owner of the Ruby Hill Tiny Farm School, the Ruby Hill Community Garden Leader, and teaches herbalism and gardening. She will be leading this free Herbalism Workshop - Herbs that Boost the Immune System, just in time for cold and flu season!

Join us for the workshop at The Table Public House, an awesome local establishment. Come a few minutes early to purchase a beverage and a snack to enjoy during the class - they have many options.

As a thank you for participating in this workshop, you will go home with some Elderberry Syrup and Fire Cider!

Space is limited to 25 people! Please sign up via Eventbrite at the link below:


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Wildscaping Wisdom Workshop - Create a Sanctuary for Native Pollinators & Wildlife

Wildscaping Wisdom Workshop - Create a Sanctuary for Native Pollinators & Wildlife

In this workshop, Ruby Hill neighbors we will learn how to create gardens that support pollinators and other wildlife.

  • Participants will learn how gardens can provide crucial habitats for birds, butterflies, bees, beneficial insects, bats, and other wildlife

  • Participants will also learn about pollinator garden tending, water conservation, and soil management techniques such as selecting native drought tolerant plants, how to plant and nurture new plants for our climate, mulching, utilizing compost, avoiding pesticides/herbicides/fertilizers, and so much more.

  • Participants will get to take home the following so they can create their own garden sanctuary for native pollinators and wildlife:

    • Native Bee Houses

    • Pollinator Yard Sign

    • Garden-in-a-Box: Curated from a local nursery featuring 5-10 native perennial drought tolerant plants and flower seeds

    • Planting Kit: Featuring garden soil, mycelium, and compost

      Spots are limited residents will need to commit to attending the full 2-3 hour workshop to take home the garden kit. Please register via Eventbrite.

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Athmar Park & Ruby Hill Neighborhood Organization In-person September Meeting & Social Club

Athmar Park & Ruby Hill Neighborhood Organization In-person September Meeting & Social Club

Athmar Park and Ruby Hill Neighborhood Associations are partnering to host an In-Person meeting in September. Hosted at:

Table Public House

2190 S Platte River Dr.

Denver, CO 80223

This month's meeting will be a longer, in-person format, providing an opportunity for neighbors to come together and discuss key improvement topics for the neighborhood in small groups.

Come meet our new Councilwoman, Flor Alvidrez, along with representatives from other Denver groups and agencies.

**childcare and translations services will be available**

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Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup

  • Intersection of Florida Ave and the Sanderson Gulch Trail (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Help keep your community clean! Bring your loved ones and join us for our monthly neighborhood clean up!

Meet at the intersection of Florida Ave and the Sanderson Gulch Trail next to the baseball field.

We will provide trash bags, buckets, pickers, and gloves.

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Athmar Park/Ruby Hill Community Market

Athmar Park/Ruby Hill Community Market

Join us for the last market of the season! Please check it out if you haven't done so already. There will be food trucks, corn on the cob, fresh produce, fresh baked goods, free bike maintenance, master gardeners from CSU, experts from Denver Forest departments, tons of information booths and lots of fun filled activities for all!

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"Use Your Powers for Good" Neighborhood Clean Up & Art Installation

"Use Your Powers for Good" Neighborhood Clean Up & Art Installation

Are you passionate about creating a cleaner and more beautiful neighborhood? Do you love art that inspires and uplifts? We've got the perfect event for you!

🗓️ Date: 8/19/23

🕙 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

📍 Location: Meet at 1505 West Jewell Avenue, Denver, CO, 80223

🚯 Litter Clean-up 🚯

Let's come together as a community to make our neighborhood shine! Grab your friends, family, and neighbors for a fun-filled day of tidying up our streets and parks. Together, we can make a significant impact, transforming eyesores into vibrant spaces that we can all be proud of. Gloves, bags, and cleaning supplies will be provided. All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and a passion for our neighborhood's well-being!

🎨 Artist Installation Sign Reveal 🎨

Have you ever wondered who the little caped robot holding a bird on Jewell Avenue is? Meet Haiku.

Haiku was created by Ruby Hill local artist, Dave Pendleton, to encourage people to stay curious. Dave first guerrilla installed his Haiku print on Jewell Avenue back in 2018. Haiku has been a source of joy and light in the neighborhood for years, gently reminding Ruby Hillians to use their powers for good. In the past five years, the sign has unfortunately been graffitied and a frequent site for litter and illegal dumping. In 2023, Ruby Hill Neighbors received a Denver Community Active Living Coalition (CALC) grant to conduct litter cleanups and replace the sign with a new graffiti resistant cover. Join us in the unveiling of the new Haiku sign!

Learn more about Haiku and purchase your own print here!

🎉 Celebrate 🎉

This event is not just about hard work and art appreciation; it's also about having a blast! Following the clean up and art reveal, join us for some refreshments and barbecue. More information to come!

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National Night Out @ the Community Ministry

National Night Out @ the Community Ministry

Community Ministry is hosting a National Night Out Event on Tuesday, August 1 from 5-7 pm. Come meet resource partners, tour the food pantry, enjoy a hot dog and have your picture taken at the photo booth. There will also be games and a raffle. Ruby Hill Neighbors will be doing face painting for kids. Come meet your neighbors and have a great time!

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Ruby Hill Social Club!

Ruby Hill Social Club!

Ruby Hill Neighbors Social Club is a new monthly tradition held the first Tuesday of every month. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors in an informal setting over some yummy food and drinks! Table Public House has a wide selection of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and a limited food menu. We hope to see you there!

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